India is located on the continent of Asia, in a region known as South Asia.
India has been chosen as the focus on this page (fiction by authors from South Asia) because of its long-standing
and well-established tradition of producing works of fiction written in English.
See the attached MS Word document below, under the map of South Asia, for a list of the other countries in South Asia.
Asia has five regions, all are listed in this document; the countries located in each region are listed as well.
Hopefully, your curiosity will be moved to read some fiction that was written by authors native to these countries.
Creative Commons,
Countries of South Asia
Review the list of countries in South Asia
Which one of them do you want to visit next?
Search for a work of fiction written by an author from that country.
In times like these, when social distancing can save our world and those in an already vulnerable state, a good book can do wonders. So whether you’re shifting to a work-from-home schedule, having to work on the frontlines, or you’re checking in on family and friends, and making arrangements for the elderly and kids in your lives, be sure to take 15 minutes a day to practice *real* self-care. In this case, we’re hoping reading a book you’ve had on your to-dos will do the trick.
Brown Girl Magazine, March 23, 2020.